Wednesday, January 16, 2008

hamsgiving 2008 is almost upon us. i want to say i'll have a delicious liveblog for you like last year but my only recent efforts at liveblogs have dissipated in a haze of unfocused drunkenness.
i think all is set for the holiday. my "tshirt" arrived yesterday. i say "tshirt" cause it's actually a sweatshirt, a white hooded sweatshirt. perhaps the white will prove to be a foolish decision. the added warmth is essentially though, as i don't yet know what i'm cooking, but i'm grilling for sure. hopefully folks will bring some meat with them for me to grill cause i'm going to have plenty of charcoal. should be noted the forecast is for mid-30s and windy. might make for tough grill conditions. we'll see what i'm made of, especially considering the fact that i'll fairly surely be drunk the whole time. the ham should be delivered tomorrow. most everything has been sufficiently considered and prepped for. all that's left is the execution, and for me at least, that is an equally important part of the planning process as the preparation. overplanning will only lead to anticlimax. you've got to let shit happen, you've got to act and react. i'm looking forward to it.

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