Monday, July 12, 2010

A Magnificent Forest

Let's see, what to talk about today?
The World Cup ended sorta quietly, though Spain did win me about $70 with the win, so thanks. I haven't run for a while because I'm being cautious with a chronically tight hamstring. I got some good use out of the grill yesterday and was reminded again how delicious chicken thighs are and how foolishly infrequently I buy them compared to breasts. Oh, and last Friday I became a father.
Actually, here is little Lula on her birthday:

Just spectacular, isn't it? I can hardly believe that I get to go home every day and that little beauty will be there waiting for me.
It's weird, throughout the whole birth process, being at the hospital, then bringing her home and spending a couple of nights and days just watching her get used to things, there have been a seemingly infinite number of things that would normally cause me to think: that would make something interesting to write about. I suppose that if I had let myself slip out of the moment these last few days, I would have been overwhelmed with the desire to write some of this stuff down, or at least to make a mental note to do it later.
Here I am now finally taking a couple minutes to document the occasion and I can't see how much any of it really matters. Just details, like a stock ticker constantly running and spitting out numbers which are meaningless without the context. The context is everything. The wholeness of the experience is so vast and obviously significant that all else washes away. It's the opposite of the saying, "you can't see the forest for the trees."
Probably as the days pass things will be different, but right now I can't see the trees. Quite frankly, I don't really need to.

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