Monday, June 22, 2009

Who? No, I'm sorry.

I know you're wondering how my precious left knee is doing. It's getting better, but slowly than I'd like. Best-case scenario, I thought today would be the day to test it out with a short run. Not gonna happen. New best-case scenario: I test it out with a short run sometime this weekend, but even that is likely too ambitious. My flexion is currently at a post-injury high: I can actually pull my ankle all the way to my butt now. But my lateral ability is still pretty poor, particularly on the inside. That's MCL territory, so hopefully that starts getting better in the next week. My new benchmark for knee health is being able to apply equal amounts of weight to each leg while walking at a normal speed. Once I can do that--but not a day before--I can test it with a run.
Sara has been out of town for 6 days now and I had expected to use the unencumbered evening laptop time to do some more of this writing. Hasn't really happened. One potential reason: I only about a week or two ago discovered that we have Showtime On Demand. Wasn't a very noteworthy until about five days ago when I discovered that Showtime On Demand has a rather lengthy selection of soft-core. I will always be a sucker for soft-core; in fact, I might even prefer it to real porn. This is probably because it was my first experience with anything pornographic. This is dripping with cliche but, when I was 12 or 13 I figured out how to tune the TV just right so the scramble was not really a problem. Shannon Tweed quickly became a favorite. I spent about an hour online one day trying to figure out the name of a still vividly remembered (in my mind) legendary Tweed performance where she has sex with not just the husband and wife of a family, but also the son. Amazing.
Anyhow, I had a lot of experience with skinemax before ever venturing online for the real stuff, so I developed the idea that soft-core was the way it was supposed to be. Also, until I lost my virginity late at 21, I had never had a fully-formed sexual experience, so I didn't have anything to make real porn personally relatable. In that way, real porn wasn't any better than soft-core, and besides the skinemax movies always had better-than-average production quality.
Ok now let's segue naturally to my ten-year high school reunion. It's coming up in October and last week I gave a confirming RSVP to the organizer. I guess this means I'm going, though I haven't yet bought a plane ticket so still time to back out. I'm not sure why I was thinking about my reunion, but I had a moment of anxiety about it. I'm going to have lots of people saying hello and talking to me (and asking me "So what do you do?") and lots of the time I'm not going to know who the person is. I'm not talking about the standard reunion not-recognizing the person or anything, I'm talking about totally forgetting.
1. I tend to be self-centered and therefore don't pay as much attention to other people.
2. I took the advanced classes for most of my academic career, and therefore my sphere of classmates was much smaller than most.
3. How to put this.................I was more, uh...........accomplished than most of my classmates. I mean, my name appeared in the newspaper and was announced over the loudspeaker pretty often. There is not really any way around this fact.
4. Corollary to #3, my mother was a teacher at my high school. "Folger" was for that reason used with great frequency.
5. I have this tendency to completely black out certain parts of my past if they are not very present to my current life. When I moved to Columbus for college, I stopped thinking about high school and didn't carry forward many friendships. When I moved to NYC after college, I basically stopped thinking about college and only carried forward the few closest friendships. When I move to Chicago next year, a whole segment of my current life will totally drift into the shadows. I know this is how it works for lots of people, but I'm fairly sure I'm much more severe about it.
6. Hold your amazement, but I wasn't hugely social with a lot of people in high school. I didn't really look down at people and I'd like to think I was a lot more respectful towards others I didn't know well than most kids, but I rarely ever went out of my way to engage people. Basically, I had my group of friends/smart kid classmates that I socialized with just enough to be normal. I didn't branch out with any substance too much.
So anyway there is the anxiety: I don't want to be a dick about it, walking around like I'm too important and don't remember anybody, even when many of them will remember me. I mean, I'm going to the trouble of attending the damn thing. If I wanted to be aloof about the whole exercise, I could just as easily do that from the comfort of NYC.

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