Tuesday, June 23, 2009

It was made just for me

That is a website that scratches me where I itch. It's basically trivia, but not just random trivia, it's got context and lists. I don't really see how its model can be improved upon.
I will waste lots of time at home (and sometimes though not often at work) drifting through that site. Naturally, I'm better at the sports ones, but it's got a feature where you can see the stats from others who've taken the quizzes and compare your scores. I can usually score around the 85th percentile. Yes, that's bragging.
The one I just took appropriately enough asked to list the top 20 cities by population in Ohio.(1) While this seems easy enough, know that I could name only 12 of the 20, just 60%. Before I had time to feel too much shame, I checked my score and I was still in the top 6-8% of all test-takers for that one. Still, 12 out of 20 is not very good for me. It just goes to show you that Ohio has a lot of nondescript small cities, and helps to explain how it can be 7th most populous state. The 20th city on the list, Euclid(2), has 47,940 residents.
I've got to say that the number one thing that surprised the hell out of me by this quiz was that Parma is the 7th largest city in Ohio. Parma. I had heard of that before, but I will freely admit that I had to look it up online to find out where in the hell it was. Up close to Cleveland, it turns out. It has 78,785 people. If it were in Central and not Northeast Ohio it would have been swallowed up by the Columbus annex machine long ago. Just for fun I checked out its wiki page and sure enough it's got at least one fun fact: it played a "signifcant" role in the massive 2003 blackout thanks to a tree taking out a transmission line. Also, Chef Boyardee(3) died there. Parma.

1. Special note: Steubenville is not one of them.
2. I got that one right actually.
3. Real name: Hector Boiardi. Boi-ar-di. Sensing how "Boyardee" is more Americanized than "Boiardi" is too subtle for my sensibilities.

1 comment:

holtzab said...

I got nine of 'em. Thought I would have done better. My lack of knowledge of northern Ohio killed me.