Saturday, May 10, 2008

i was standing leaning over the rail on the deck behind the hermiller residence just now and in between puffs of my pipe i couldn't stop the feeling that i am completely happy right now. it's too pleasant. it's wonderful. someone just yelled my name in the back. i'm standing there on the rail looking around, in my shorts feeling utterly comfortable, watching the ebbs and flows of the party below me, watching someone other than myself man the grill, sensing people talking 360 degrees around me and passively absorbing everything. eventually my seventh sense causes my eye to wander around looking for reinforcement of the beauty within and i see her and she's not looking at me but she's close enough and it's comforting and it's exultant and i catch an icy bit of glory shooting from inside my chest out into the party. i feel like how the rain must feel when it sees a rainbow. maybe it's sad and maybe it's overly sappy but shit, it's it. and that's me now. pretty.

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