Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Read This

i hope that link works for you. i'll admit that i was first tipped off to the existence of this in New York Magazine's Approval Matrix. however, seeing as Mr David Foster Wallace is both my favorite and most in-awe-of living writer, i would surely have stumbled across this fairly soon anyway.
sometimes you read something and it's less that the words on the page (or screen) project your eyes forward through the piece, but more that your almost mystic recognition of the idea and its presentation is so innate that it's as if you're looking in a mirror--not really seeing anything particular because it's always been there--but instead swimming around in it, comprehending all of it at once.
here is the conclusion, because he's a better communicator than myself:
".......the revelation that most of what you’ve believed and revered turns out to be self-indulgent crap.
That [idea]’s of especial value, I think. As exquisite verbal art, yes, but also as a model for what free, informed adulthood might look like in the context of Total Noise: not just the intelligence to discern one’s own error or stupidity, but the humility to address it, absorb it, and move on and out there from, bravely, toward the next revealed error. This is probably the sincerest, most biased account of ‘Best’ [I] can give: these pieces are models — not templates, but models — of ways I wish I could think and live in what seems to me this world."

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