Thursday, July 30, 2009

So the knee is not 100% at all but it's pretty good. Ran 3.5 miles last night consecutively, though the first half of it was pretty slow. Once it got warm I was running almost unencumbered.
I do have a new injury to note now, unfortunately. And it's the kind of injury that will keep this post short, since it's my hand and it's slower typing. I jammed my left wrist pretty good but the more pressing concern right now is the large amount of skin that the Williamsburg sidewalk took from me when I slammed into it. I had a large section of my palm rendered as an open wound, which makes using the hand quite difficult but also the size of the wound makes the healing process a little more complicated than just covering it with some ointment and a band-aid and letting time do the work. This special powder stuff Sara gave me successfully got about half of the area of the wound covered in with fresh skin pretty quickly, but the other half (the inner rings naturally) is proving a little more resistant. Top priority is getting the palm side healed over so that I can fully grip or run my hand over something and also to prevent me crying like a baby when I jump in the ocean eleven days from now on my honeymoon. Having an open wound is sorta stressful but having an open wound for days and days is maddening.

I'm also gearing up for Sara's departure tomorrow, not to be seen again til next Friday, the day before the wedding. She's purposefully packing a big bag and so I had to sit down last night and make packing decisions for two weeks from now. My dresser is now lighter by several pairs of socks and underwear plus a handful of shirts and shorts. I have been strolling along in the planning phase for this wedding, not having to mentally or emotionally invest myself yet (that's the beauty of getting things mapped out and done in proper time: it's as if someone else is doing it for you since you can do it on auto-pilot), until last night when suddenly I was packing for it as though it were tomorrow. All along I've known how much time I have, and could ramp up accordingly. For instance, I haven't spent more than five seconds thinking about my vows (we are writing our own), knowing full well that I'd wait until a couple days before and then write them all at once. I knew I would likely do my laundry next Tuesday or Wednesday and then pack up my clothes then, saving the smaller items like books or suntan lotion for the last minute. I knew I would go get my hair cut next Wednesday. I knew how to plan out my work schedule for the last couple weeks so I got everything done in plenty of time. Anyway, packing up 75% of my clothes for the trip last night--ten days before the wedding and twelve before the start of the honeymoon--was not part of my nice smooth timeline. I'm glad I got it done; I mean, I'm not going to miss those five pair of underwear in the meantime, but still it's changed my mindset, if only a little. It's I'm no longer engaged, now I'm actually getting married. Which is a good thing of course.

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