Another thing that is "supposed" to happen with babies her age is that they are supposed to start having few messy diapers as the digestive system gets more mature and learns how to not simply pass "shit" through. You can see this in the graph (though not perfectly thanks to the little increase in the last couple days, an increase that is attributable to grandma being in town and giving mom and dad a hard time and forcing more than the necessary amount of changes). Anyway, she has indeed had a real decrease from a previous level of averaging about 8 per day to 6-7 per day now.
The final line on the graph doesn't quite tell as big of a story, which really is itself the story. Lula's hours awake is the yellow line. Aside from one odd spike when she was awake for 14 hours at her one-month-old mark, her time awake has been very consistent. There is no real trend to the line, at least as presented here. If I were to have two plots of time awake--one for time awake during the day and one for time awake at night--then there would be a remarkable difference apparent. Starting 3-4 weeks ago, the time awake at night line would drop a lot, and for the last three weeks, the line would hover just slightly above zero. That is right, my baby pretty much sleeps through the night, and has done so since before she was even one month old. This is my first chance to parent-gloat and so I'm going enjoy it.
Changing subject here briefly, I have tried out some different forms of music with our little one to find out what she likes at this age. No, I am not going to assume that her tastes at 5-6 weeks will remain her tastes for life, and probably it's less about taste than simply about sound, but let's say that early results have been encouraging.
Most happily for me, she doesn't seem to react much at all to what would be considered kid's or baby music, the grating crap that comes out of kid toys. She enjoys the tune that comes out of her stuffed pink rabbit, but I think that's more a function of the rabbit and not the music. All the rest of that stuff goes under her head.
She pretty clearly likes jazz, especially Thelonious Monk, but including all that I've played for her. She is mostly ambivalent to Bob Dylan and the Beatles, but has a truly shocking affinity for Led Zeppelin and even seemed to enjoy the limited amount of Springsteen she heard before falling asleep.
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