Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Internet Entrepreneur: Me

And now for something quite different. I have an idea for a website. This might absolutely amaze you, but it would be a social-network type of site, where people have friends or followers or whatever. But unlike all the bullshit you get on those sites, mine would contain only one thing: links to people's personal calendars.
Take the upcoming thanksgiving holiday. If I wanted to know what my friends are doing then, I could simply login into the site and open up their calendars. No need for multiple emails. If I am staying local and I see that any of them are going out of town, then I don't bother with including them in the planning.
Sometimes when I'm thinking about upcoming events (such as holidays or big sporting events or just a happy hour) I wish I could just post my plans and/or my desires for all to see. It would save me lots and lots of time. Also, like the more traditional social sites, it would also serve as a way to keep other people informed. It would helpfully eliminate the seeming infinite status updates such as: "watching Mad Men," "sleeping in on a dreary Saturday," or "wishing I were at the beach." Really? No one fucking cares. There is way way too much crap on those sites, so that it all becomes white noise.

My site could be color-coded, too. Green events would be scheduled and confirmed. Blue events would be something you are looking forward to but have no plans for. Yellow events would be tentatively scheduled. Black events could be private. Then if one of your friends joins you in an event, their little icon or name or whatever would appear in that box as well. Of course you would be able to invite people into these events, too.
Many of my friends have talked about going to Madison Square Garden to see the Buckeye basketball team next Thursday night. People could go to my page and open up that date and see the game listed in its proper time and color-coded yellow because I don't yet have a ticket. There would also be a few of my friends' names. Then if a couple names who I would assume should be there are not, I could go to their pages and find out why. If the time is open on their pages, only then would I need to send an email just to them. If their pages are occupied at that time, then I would know why they won't be at the game. So simple. So organized. It helps both you and your friends. It lets people be self-centered. It lets people be pervy and leer at other people's calendars.
I only need a name (YouCalendar, YouCal, InLife, MeLink, etc--these are weak but you get the idea). And much more net savviness than I will ever have.

1 comment:

hudik said...

ask and ye shall receive:
look up 'google wave'