Thursday, August 20, 2009


Clearly, I'm going to provide a much longer perspective on my honeymoon to Mexico, but here now are a few quick mostly non sequitur thoughts:
1. Mexicans: not good drivers. Actually, more than just poor but unconcerned with basic rules of the road.
2. Yes, the Yucatan in August is hot. Very hot. But it wasn't all that humid. Hot heat though.
3. The only dickhead Mexican person I encountered was at Cancun airport. A guy dressed to look like official jumped out as we got out of our car and took our large bag into the airport and showed us the clearly-marked Jetblue sign. Since it took all of 30 seconds to get from point A to B I gave him the 5-peso coin I had in my pocket. Sara didn't even want me to give that because he was clearly preying on ignorant tourists, but I figured what the hell and I'm going to do with a 5-peso coin? So the dude shows his gratitude by saying in English: "what is this, like 50 cents? That's it?" With great restraint, I replied: "Sorry that's all I've got." So he says, while opening his wallet and rifling through some bills: "Hey I've got change for American, anything?" Are you fucking kidding me? The guy is trying to scam people and when someone shows up and doesn't play his game he has the nerve to get offended? Also, fucker moved my bag no more than 50 feet total, half of which he rolled it, and had to climb zero steps. The most unbelievable thing is that he wouldn't be getting an attitude if other tourists don't actually succumb to that shit. Damn. If his countrymen hadn't previously built up a ton of goodwill, I would have been very much soured by this last interaction.
4. Bottled water is so ubiquitously present, even in the smallest towns, that the old "don't drink the water" bacterial fear Americans have been parroting back and forth to each other is essentially irrelevant. I also ate fruit and fresh vegetables at every stop of the trip and never got a stomachache. In fact, on only two days did I even take any Immodium, and those were two mornings after the heaviest drinking days of the trip: not necessarily caused by the food.
5. The "jungle" wilderness of the Yucatan is very very rocky. Not bumpy rocky like in Central Park, but like a normal forest that had been subjected to a snowstorm in the form of 12inch diameter rocks.
6. A frightening number of local Mexicans in the tourist areas spoke very functional English to us even when we started the conversation in Spanish, whereas in the non-touristy areas, anytime we started a conversation in English, the locals would force us to use what turned out to be very functional Spanish.
7. Sara is pretty much afraid of fish.
8. Staring at iguanas doesn't get old.
9. Being married is great.

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